Curl Coach 2

Curl Coach 2 for iOS®

This Apple application runs on iPhone or iPad to record and display all shots in a game.  Get it here in the App Store
Curl Coach 2 is the most advanced, fastest, easiest to use App for Coaches.
Buy an annual subscription in order to add players, team, create competitions and chart games.

LiveStones by Curl Coach 2


How It Works

This powerful real-time technology will take the shots as you chart them, and send them to the LiveStones servers in the Cloud. Your fans connect to select the game they want to watch, and stream the game live to their web browser or mobile device.

Other than indicating that you want to stream the game over LiveStones, there is no change in how you chart. Just track the shots as normal and LiveStones will do all of the work. You can even share an entire completed game after it has completed so that fans can replay their games at their leisure.

What is Shared?

Everything the coach enters while charting, with the exception of shot notes (those remain private) is available on the web. The shot target, broom position, how the rocks moved, as well as the shot type, turn, difficulty, score and any miss data.

Live Chat

LiveStones includes a chat feature that allows your fans to talk to each other during the game. As the coach, it is quite possible that you don’t have enough time to follow along (or comment), so LiveStones keeps chat out-of-the way. Participate if you wish (or you have time), Ignore it if not.