Canadian Stick Curling Association

The role of CSCA is to encourage and promote the growth and development of 2-person stick curling in Canada through our member provincial associations as well as through local grass roots independent curling clubs with the on-going provision of competitive and recreational opportunities for stick curlers.

The CSCA recognizes that there is a steadily increasing population of curlers who are having to leave the game of curling due to age, injury, or health.  The CSCA intends to excite those curlers to return back to the game by participating in the 2-person stick curling programs across the country, thereby fostering a feeling of worth and belonging as an active curling club member once again.


It is the role of CSCA to promote and advocate increased participation in the game of 2-person stick curling across Canada with ongoing liaison among all provincial representatives and by staging national stick curling championships each year.  It is also the role of CSCA to maintain a vibrant and user friendly website to facilitate our goals and to foster a healthy relationship with Curl Canada and other provincial sport governing bodies responsible for the game of curling.


The main goals of the Canadian Stick Curling Association are:


• to be recognized as the national sport governing body for 2-person stick curling in Canada;


• to promote the associated benefits, specific to stick curling in Canada, on a nation-wide basis;


• to support the development and marketing of the sport of 2-person stick curling at both the Member Provincial Association and the club level;


• to establish and enforce the rules of 2-person stick curling in Canada as well as provide guidance on rule interpretations;


• to cultivate a healthy arms-length relationship with other curling associations (provincial, national and international);


• to respect and preserve the traditions of the mother sport of curling while developing the new sport of 2-person stick curling;


• to promote, arrange, conduct and control the annual Canadian 2-Person Stick Curling Championship and recognize the champion stick curlers on a national stage;


• to grow the game of 2-person stick curling while encouraging good sportsmanship and wide spread participation for the game’s sake without thought of material reward;


Canadian Stick Curling Association – Bylaws and Constitution

Canadian Stick Curling Association – Bylaws.

Canadian Stick Curling Association – Constitution