Curling Etiquette

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Curling Etiquette

  • Start with a handshake. At the beginning of the game, greet the members of the opposing team with a handshake, tell them your name, and wish them “Good Curling”.
  • Keep the ice clean. Change your shoes. Sand, grit and dirt are the ice’s worst enemy. The shoes you wear should only be used for curling. Keep them clean.
  • Compliment good shots, no matter which team makes them. Respect your opponent.
  • Be ready. Take your delivery position as soon as your opponent has delivered his/her stone. Keep the game moving; delays detract from the sport.
  • After delivering your stone, move to the side of the sheet – preferably return to the back of the house where the remainder of your rocks are.
  • Be courteous. Don’t distract your opponent while he/she are throwing.
  • You are allowed two time outs –  alert your opposition you are using a time out and meet your partner at centre ice!
  • Mark up the score immediately upon completion of an end.
  • Finish with a handshake. When the game is over, offer each of the players a hearty handshake and move off the ice.